Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Red Sox Looking To Liverpool For OF Help?

A completely unreliable source has told Boston Dust Mites that the Red Sox Ownership Group—frustrated in their attempt to find another outfielder—have looked to one of their other teams as a possible solution. Unconfirmed reports suggest that members of the Liverpool soccer team have been working out with baseballs to serve as a 'last resort' alternative to a major league outfielder in 2013. Reportedly, Liverpool players have been upset by this new routine (see photo), where they are forced to kick around regulation MLB baseballs—which are significantly harder than your average soccer ball. One anonymous player stated:

"I mean, blimey, I nearly busted me big toe on the bloody thing. I don't think it's right, you know? Why should we suffer if they can't properly manage their baseball squad? Blimey."

The supposed plan is for one of the supplanted Liverpool players to "back-heel pass" baseballs hit to him in the outfield so a regular Red Sox player (who is allowed to use his hands) throws the ball in. Boston Dust Mites will keep you posted on this story.

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