NASA Rover Finds Missing Sox Mojo? |
A completely unreliable source has told
Boston Dust Mites that NASA's Martian Rover "Curiosity" has made a stunning discovery on the surface of the Red Planet. The source maintains that the Rover (about the size of a Smart Car) located the missing Red Sox Mojo earlier today. The magical charm was spotted embedded in a rock formation on the desolate Martian landscape (see photo). The high resolution camera aboard the spacecraft detected the glowing Red symbol in the first few minutes after touchdown. BDM has been unable to elicit any comment from either NASA or the Red Sox Ownership Group. If the Rover can recover and transmit the Mojo back to Earth, it
could have an impact on the post-season chances for the Carmine Hose. We will keep you posted here at Boston Dust Mites.
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